What our customer say

(5/5 Ratings from 1000+ Users)
How it Works?

Choose food preference and personalise meal plans.

Our chefs cook food freshly for you based on your chosen preferences.

Food gets delivered fresh & hot at scheduled timings.
Fresh, Healthy,
Insanely Convenient

Cooked from responsibly sourced,
quality ingredients
We use daily sourced fresh produce, exclusive spice blends and pure ingredients from certified vendors only.

Created and curated
by the chefs
Our chefs create craveable range of dishes made from thoughful ingredients and curate it for you.

Made at a hygiene-first
audited kitchen
We are hygiene obsessed brand with spanking clean kitchen, health checked staff and stringent hygiene checks.
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Why Us

No daily hassles
No headache of planning what to cook or order daily..

Daily variety
Our daily changing menu adds the variety you deserve.

Zero Time Crunch
Your food is ready to eat daily, before you're hungry..

Complete flexibility
Pause, skip or swap meal plans any day you want..